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Revolutionising Customer Support: The Benefits of Using WhatsApp for Your Business
Revolutionising Customer Support: The Benefits of Using WhatsApp for Your Business

Leverage Mteja’s WhatsApp solution for customer support engagements

Written by Diviniah Mbaire
Updated over a week ago


In today's fast-paced digital world, effective customer support is essential for businesses to stay competitive and build long-lasting customer relationships. As technology continues to evolve, businesses need to adapt and embrace innovative communication channels to meet the expectations of modern customers.

One such platform that has gained tremendous popularity is WhatsApp. Originally designed as a messaging app for personal use, WhatsApp has now become an invaluable tool for businesses to engage with their customers.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why businesses should leverage Mteja’s WhatsApp solution for customer support engagements.

  1. Widely Used and Accessible: WhatsApp boasts an enormous user base, with over 2 billion active monthly users worldwide. This wide adoption means that businesses can tap into a massive potential customer pool, making it an ideal platform to reach and engage with customers. Moreover, WhatsApp is available on both Android and iOS devices, allowing businesses to connect with customers regardless of their preferred mobile operating system.

  2. Real-Time and Instantaneous Communication: One of the primary advantages of using WhatsApp for customer support is its real-time nature. Customers expect prompt responses and resolutions to their queries, and WhatsApp enables businesses to deliver just that. With its instant messaging capabilities, businesses can provide quick and efficient support, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Whether it's addressing product inquiries, troubleshooting issues, or providing personalised assistance, WhatsApp facilitates seamless and immediate communication between businesses and customers.

  3. Multimedia Support: Unlike traditional support channels like email or phone calls, WhatsApp allows businesses to engage with customers using various multimedia formats. Businesses can send images, videos, documents, and even location details to assist customers effectively. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with complex issues that require visual aids or when providing step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting. By incorporating multimedia elements, businesses can provide richer and more engaging customer support experiences.

  4. Personalised and Contextual Conversations: WhatsApp enables businesses to establish personalised and context-rich conversations with customers. With access to customers' profiles and chat histories, businesses can gather valuable information about customers' preferences, previous interactions, and purchase history. Armed with this knowledge, businesses can offer tailored recommendations, personalised product suggestions, and targeted promotions. The ability to provide a more personalised experience not only strengthens customer relationships but also increases the chances of upselling and cross-selling.

  5. Automation and Chatbots: Another advantage of using WhatsApp for customer support is the ability to leverage automation and chatbot technologies. Businesses can integrate chatbots into their WhatsApp support system to handle routine queries, provide instant responses, and gather initial customer information. Chatbots can efficiently handle frequently asked questions, freeing up human agents' time to focus on more complex and specialised customer inquiries. Automation also enables round-the-clock support, ensuring customers receive assistance even outside regular business hours.

  6. Enhanced Security and Encryption: Privacy and data security are major concerns for customers when engaging with businesses online. WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption, ensuring that messages exchanged between businesses and customers are secure and protected from unauthorised access. This level of security helps businesses build trust with their customers, fostering a sense of confidence and reliability in their customer support engagements.

Introducing Mteja’s WhatsApp Solution.

Mteja’s WhatsApp solution provides your business with an easy and innovative channel to connect with your customers. Our solution is a zero-tech platform specifically designed for SMEs and large enterprises to communicate with their audiences.

With its cutting-edge features and easy-to-use interface, businesses can quickly respond to customer inquiries, provide timely assistance, and keep customers updated about new products and services.

Specifically geared towards customer support and customer service, the platform offers functionality that will assist your business in automating and running support engagements seamlessly, regardless of the size of your organisation. These features include;

  • The team inbox allows the business to consolidate all WhatsApp conversations on one platform. It promotes collaboration as the conversations can be viewed by all agents regardless of the number of users a business has handling queries over WhatsApp unlike the WhatsApp business apps run over mobile.

Figure 1: shows an example of a conversation that ran over the team inbox feature on Mteja’s WhatsApp offering

  • Auto-assignment allows for conversations to be automatically directed to agents as soon as a message is received on your WhatsApp inbox

Figure 2: shows an example of how agents can be added to the team inbox to field messages over WhatsApp on Mteja.

  • Auto-response -the business can set up an automated response message, each time their WhatsApp number is messaged. This will enable a customer to know that their message has been received.

Figure 3: shows an example of an automated message that can be configured to your WhatsApp number on Mteja.

  • With chatbots, businesses can set up a helpdesk with FAQs that customers can engage with and get answers to their questions without having to talk to an actual agent.

Figure 4: An example of a support chatbot that your business can set up on Mteja’s WhatsApp offering.

  • Integrations enable Mteja to integrate with any customer-facing tool, such as CRM tools. A business can set up an automated ticketing system using WhatsApp to field support queries.

  • Sentiment analysis: this feature allows businesses to gain insights into customer opinions, based on the language used. Mteja’s WhatsApp offering can assist you to determine whether they are either Positive, Negative, or neutral.

Industries that can assimilate WhatsApp into their customer support engagements.

Many industries can benefit from using WhatsApp for their customer support needs. Here are a few examples:

  • E-commerce: WhatsApp can be used to provide customer support for e-commerce businesses. Customers can use WhatsApp to contact customer support with questions about orders, returns, and refunds. WhatsApp can also be used to send order confirmations, shipping updates, and promotional offers.

  • Travel and tourism: WhatsApp can be used to provide customer support for travel and tourism businesses. Customers can use WhatsApp to contact customer support with questions about bookings, itineraries, and reservations. WhatsApp can also be used to send booking confirmations, flight status updates, and travel tips.

  • Food and beverage: WhatsApp can be used to provide customer support for food and beverage businesses. Customers can use WhatsApp to contact customer support with questions about menus, orders, and delivery. WhatsApp can also be used to send order confirmations, tracking information, and promotional offers.

  • Retail: WhatsApp can be used to provide customer support for retail businesses. Customers can use WhatsApp to contact customer support with questions about products, returns, and exchanges. WhatsApp can also be used to send product information, promotional offers, and loyalty program updates.

  • Education: WhatsApp can be used to provide customer support for educational institutions. Students and faculty can use WhatsApp to contact customer support with questions about classes, assignments, and grades. WhatsApp can also be used to send class announcements, reminders, and academic resources.

  • Healthcare and Insurance: Answering customer queries: WhatsApp can be used to schedule appointments, send patient reminders, provide medical advice and answer customer queries about insurance policies, claims, and other related topics. This can be done through a chatbot or by live agents.

These are just a few examples of industries that can benefit from using WhatsApp in their customer support needs. WhatsApp is a versatile platform that can be used to provide customer support in a variety of ways.


As customer expectations continue to evolve, businesses must adapt their customer support strategies to meet the demands of the digital era. WhatsApp provides an ideal platform for businesses to engage with customers in real-time, deliver personalised support experiences, and leverage automation for efficiency. By embracing WhatsApp for customer support engagements, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, build strong relationships, and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic marketplace. It's time to leverage the power of WhatsApp to transform your customer support and take your business to new heights.

Talk to us at, and we will get you started on the journey of revolutionising your customer support experience through WhatsApp.

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