Mteja offers browser calls where individuals can be able to make and receive calls on their browser, on their laptop or desktop. All one needs is a good pair of earphones with a mic and a good internet connection to get started. You will then need to purchase a phone number, in order to make and receive browser calls.
Mteja offers three types of phone numbers:
Regular numbers; can make and receive browser calls.
Toll free numbers; can only receive browser calls.
Premium numbers; can only receive calls at a premium rate.
Click learn more to know which type of phone number would suit your needs.
Here are the steps to make a browser call
In order to make and receive calls, you will need a regular number, to learn how to purchase one click here.
Access the App, to see the phone widget at the bottom right of the screen
2. Click the phone widget to access the dial pad
3. At the top of the dial pad, select the calling number, this is the number that will appear on the recipient's phone when the call is received.
4. Select the preferred country code of the recipient
5. Key in the caller's number, and click the green dial icon
6. Once the call is picked up the calls changes to ongoing. A user has access to features such as, tags and notes
The tag field allows the caller to insert the reason for the call, i.e. sales, support etc which are the default tags available. The caller can add custom tags as desired by typing the tag and pressing the ENTER key on the keyboard to submit.
The notes field allows users to add additional context to the call.
Click the End call button (red button) to end the call.Β
7. To view the call, click on cloud centre from the navigation bar
8. Click on the call logs under the call centre menu
The call appears under call logs:
To field inbound browser calls, see this guide article.
Reach us at regarding browser calls